Mental Health Skill Building
Welcome Home Community Services, LLC Mental Health Skills-Building Services (MHSS) provides supportive counseling to help the individual (consumer) cope with and gain mastery over symptoms and disabilities in the context of daily living within the life space. All services are delivered in a step-down fashion, diminishing in intensity as the consumer progresses through treatment. Welcome Home Community Services MHSS provides 24-hour telephone on-call support and face to face interventions as warranted during crisis situations. We offer flexible scheduling with day and evening hours. Direct assistance is provided to ensure that the consumer is evaluated for eligibility for services such as:
1. Medical and dental services
2. Decent, safe and affordable housing
3. Financial guidance
4. Social Services
5. Court Service Units
6. Access to transportation services
7. Employment and vocational services
8. Educational opportunities
Welcome Home Community Services MHSS provides social skills and activities of daily living (ADL) training through the efforts of hands on approach, modeling and coaching supports. These ADL and social skills trainings include teaching:
1. Communication skills
2. Effective management of leisure time
3. Assertiveness and self-control
4. Carrying out household activities, including housecleaning, cooking and shopping, in addition to instruction in matters of personal hygiene
5. The management of money within the consumer’s income limits
6. The use of public transportation services
7. The effective and appropriate use of healthcare and social services within the community
8. The location and maintenance of safe and affordable housing
9. The maintenance of healthy and appropriate relationships with employer, landlord, neighbors and other important individuals in the consumer’s life-space.
Welcome Home Community Services MHSS also provides support to the individual’s family as well as other members of the individual’s community support network to assist family and community members as documented in the consumer’s individualized treatment plan. This education and support includes:
1. Education about the consumer’s challenges and the role of the family and community support in the therapeutic process
2. Supportive counseling and education regarding mental health issues and possible addiction to drugs or alcohol
3. The facilitation of conflict resolution skills
4. Aggression management techniques
For referrals, contact:
Ruthe Laurore, QDDP, LPC, NCC,Office: 804-458-5500
Welcome Home Community Services MHSS will only accept individuals for whom we can provide adequate treatment. The following criteria serve as a guideline:
- Consumer must be at risk for placement out-of-home and they must have an Axis 1 DSM-V diagnosis which includes: Schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, Major Depressive Disorder-Recurrent, Bipolar Disorder I or II, and/or if a consumer has another disorder that a physician determines qualifies as a severe mental illness which results in severe and recurrent disability that produces functional limitations in major life activities, and the individual requires individualized training in order to achieve or maintain independent living in the community.
- Consumer must be at least 18 years of age at the time of admission.
- Consumer must not be presenting any symptoms requiring inpatient hospitalization such as: active psychosis, including hallucinations or delusional behavior, homicidal or suicidal ideation or severe self-injurious behavior requiring hospitalization or immediate medical attention.
- Consumer must demonstrate an ability to understand and follow the rules and expectations of the program. The consumer’s ability to function in accordance with the Welcome Home Community Services MHSS will be determined during a pre-assessment interview. Criteria for acceptance include the consumer’s ability to communicate appropriately and ability to take part in their mental health support services provided.
- Consumer must be willing to participate in the program. During the initial assessment interview, the consumer will have the opportunity to review the offered services and program expectations and have an opportunity to ask questions. The consumer will then be asked to sign an agreement to services stating that they agree with the expectations of the program and services.
- >Consumers who indicate during the admissions process that they are unwilling to comply with the expectations of the program or communicate that they do not want to participate in the program will not be eligible for services.
- Welcome Home Community Services MHSS shall ensure that no consumer is denied services or discriminated against based on age, sex, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability or physical condition.